I'm a landscape lover...

Yep, I said it! Seascapes, rolling hills, iconic landmarks, that's my jam!

Of course I like the sense of discovery when shooting a new location, finding out what works and trying something new (scroll down for a little story about Corfe Castle!), but sometimes the 'honeypot' locations are just as satisfying.

Given some of these locations are famous around the globe and on my doorstep (relatively speaking), it would be rude not to give them a go.

Sunrise at Corfe Castle

Now, this is one of those 'honeypot' locations. If you're a landscape photographer, it's on the 'must shoot' list.

The format is widely known. Turn up, climb west hill so the remains of Corfe Castle are in-between you and the rising sun in the east, and start snapping.

But on my last trip, I decided to do something a little different...